القيم الأساسية

القيم الأساسية

We are Process –Result Oriented

We perform a final check on the works before the delivery deadline. Working under such control is less costly than doing errors and s pending the time for correction, and losing prestige. We pay importance to any details that would affect the success of the business. We reveal our difference where such details are not noticed by anyone, but which we are aware of. But we are not buried in details, but rather assess what detail is important. Thus, our business avoids unnecessary loss of time.

We work with the awareness to achieve our goal

Looking at the big picture adds quality to our work. We question "the benefit of a specific job" to find out what and why we're doing. Thus, we make clear decisions on any aspects hindering us or providing benefit for us. Knowing our barriers and acting accordingly will give us time to reach our goal.

We are willing to Improve our Business

We are open to learning. We ask anything we do not understand even if it seems very simple. Asking questions indicates that we value our business. If we value our business, it will return us the value to the same extent. e work in coordination and cooperation to achieve our goals. We think that the "I know everything" attitude is unrealistic. There is always something to learn. Being able to teach is also important as much as learning. Our friends who contribute to the improvement of the team are more valuable for us. Such friends do not withdraw their knowledge, but share their experiences. They know that shared knowledge will provide incremental benefit for the achievement of results.

Customer Satisfaction is our Priority

Maintaining long-term relationships with our customers is important to us. Thus, it is our priority to add value to improve their performance. We analyze the needs, compare them with their demands, and offer solutions. In doing so, we strive to understand and implement their ethics and culture. It is our ideal to see that the value added by SUMPAŞ to its customers is returned as the highest level of quality and reputation. It is the sole driving force behind the pleasure and collaborative success of all of us.

We value people

Our tolerance is always available to our coworkers who perform their tasks with our principles.

We Establish Honest and Reliable Relationships

As SUMPAŞ, we protect the safety of data and identity of our customers, suppliers and employees. Information is shared only with individuals and organizations authorized by the laws, and not used for any other purpose. We comply with official contracts, laws and regulations in this regard.

We are aware of our responsibilities

We share information on the organizational structure, financial performance and business operations with third parties in accordance with the laws. Each of us assumes the outcome of the work we perform. Where necessary, decisions are made while taking risks with an entrepreneurial spirit. We do not necessarily accept every customer demand. Any tasks not meeting our ethical principles are rejected.

We take our competitors seriously

The honesty in our business also reflects on our relationships with competitors. We do not attempt to acquire and use the confidential information of our competitors. We are inspired by their achievements and work, and we struggle for leadership. We are fair but challenging racers.